mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Handpresso 48238 Machine Expresso Portable Wild Hybrid

Handpresso 48238 Machine Expresso Portable Wild HybridItem Name

Description du produitHandpresso 48238 Machine Expresso Portable Wild Hybrid


Handpresso Wild Hybrid, for coffee and padsThis mobile espresso enjoyment relies on flavor. Give up the freshly brewed espresso? Unthinkable for the true espresso lover! And precisely for this connoisseur handpresso®, is made for, the nearly smallest espresso machine in the world. Without electricity, in tents, in the mountains, in the office, in a hotel or at a rest: handpresso®,, the standard ESE pads or fresh espresso coffee and hot water are the ingredients for a refreshing sip of fresh espresso. The patented high technology makes it possible to generate 16 bar pressure by pumping movements and indicates when the ideal pressure is reached for espresso. Then fill in hot water and a pad or coffee and press the button to free the pre...fonctions de
le produit Handpresso 48238 Machine Expresso Portable Wild Hybrid Convaincu de la haute qualité et le meilleur prix. Ici, nous avons le produit qui saura vous satisfaire.
Pas le temps d'attendre et de l'ordre, comme quelques-uns encore disponibles à ce prix.
Ce prix, vous obtiendrez plus tard.

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Handpresso 48238 Machine Expresso Portable Wild Hybrid

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